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Ralph – N0OTS, and Buddy – K5MCK, Receive Recognition as Volunteer Examiners Extraordinaire!

Congratulations to Ralph, N0OTS, and Buddy, K5MCK, for their achievements in becoming the #1 Volunteer Examiner in their respective states. At the time of this writing, N0OTS is 154 sessions ahead of his nearest rival and Buddy had a 49 session lead.  With no signs of slowing down, those numbers will only increase.

The ARRL VEC Honor Roll recognizes the top ten Volunteer Examiners in each ARRL Division according to the total number of ARRL exam sessions in which they have participated since their accreditations. Considering each sessions requires an average time commitment of 2 to 4 hours or more, the thousands of hours these VEs have invested represent extraordinary commitment!

Both Ralph and Buddy are long time VEs for the SEKARC and the K0KWC club’s VE teams and represent the highest traditions of our hobby.  In the selfless giving of their personal time, they have promoted Amateur Radio and ensured the continuation of the hobby we all love and hold dear. 

As the VE Team lead, I could not be prouder or more honored to call them both my friend and my colleague.

Ralph and Buddy are both featured in the VEC Honor Rolls for the ARRL in the March 2024 edition, a significant achievement of personal accomplishment, bringing honorable recognition to themselves and their clubs.  Thank you, guys, for all you do.  Without new hams, there would be no hobby.


Chris Hunt
Author: Chris Hunt

VE Team Lead - Facebook Manager - Webmaster - Club Vice-President

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