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Kilowatt Amateur Radio Club (K0KWC) at the Lamar Municipal Fly-In – 21 September

The Kilowatt Amateur Radio Club (K0KWC) was proud to participate in the Lamar Municipal Fly-In on 21 September, celebrating the 63rd anniversary of the Lamar Municipal Airport. The event brought together aviation enthusiasts and vintage car aficionados for a day filled with classic planes and automobiles.

Representing K0KWC at the Fly-In were Tim Ryder (N5STR), John (KF0BQL), Jim (KE0FRS), and Chris (N0YH). Our club’s Ham Bus was on display, and it attracted plenty of attention from the attendees. Several people expressed interest in amateur radio and stopped by to ask questions about our equipment, the club, and the exciting world of Ham radio. It was a great opportunity to share our passion and promote the hobby to a broader audience.

The atmosphere was electric with the rich history of aviation and the nostalgia of the classic cars and planes. We’re thrilled to have been part of this memorable event and to have had the chance to connect with the community. K0KWC looks forward to participating in future events and continuing to share our love for amateur radio!



Chris - N0YH
Author: Chris - N0YH

VE Team Lead - Facebook Manager - Webmaster - Club Vice-President

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