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Kilowatt “Ham of the Year” Award goes to…

Nic  –  KF0HHG

A relatively new enthusiast in the world of amateur radio, Nic refuses to let his novice status hinder his progress. In fact, he has been remarkably busy.

Nic invested in a 50-foot tower, taking charge of every detail, from the rebar and concrete to the guy wires, anchor bolts, and all the essential components to swiftly erect his tower. Much of this labor was undertaken independently. He crafted his own coax pass-through, managed his grounding setup, and installed a vertical antenna with an array of ground radials, along with a 1/2 wave EF.

With no plans of slowing down, Nic is contemplating the addition of APRS and a 2m sideband antenna, among other ambitious projects. Furthermore, he has assumed the role of Emergency Coordinator for Cedar County MO ARES.

A heartfelt acknowledgment goes to Nic for his unwavering dedication to our shared hobby and his fearless pursuit of knowledge. In recognition of his hard work and commitment to learning, Nic has been rightfully honored as the Kilowatt Amateur Radio Club “Ham of the Year“.

Chris Hunt
Author: Chris Hunt

VE Team Lead - Facebook Manager - Webmaster - Club Vice-President

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