A Group of Amateur Radio Enthusiast
A Non-Profit Organization:

Carthage / W0IN 145.190 -0.6Mhz 91.5 pl   STATUS
Fairland / W0GMM 147.285 +0.6Mhz 110.9 pl   STATUS  Â
Girard / K0SEK 147.240 +0.6Mhz 91.5 pl   STATUS
Golden City / KM0HP   146.790 -6Mhz 91.5 pl   STATUSÂ
Granby / KM0HP 145.390 -0.6Mhz 91.5 pl   STATUS
Joplin / N0ARM 444.625 +5Mhz 91.5 pl   STATUS
Joplin / N0NWS 145.350 -0.6Mhz 91.5 pl   STATUS
Joplin / W0IN 147.210 +0.6Mhz 91.5 pl   STATUS
Lamar / K0KWC 442.975 +5Mhz 91.5 pl   STATUS
Nevada / W0HL 145.450 -0.6Mhz 91.5   STATUS  and Â
                 146.850 -0.6Mhz 91.5   STATUS
Pittsburg / K0PRO  146.940 -0.6Mhz 91.5   STATUS  and                           442.675 +5Mhz 91.5 (Fusion & FM)   STATUS
-.-  -----  -.-  .--  -.-.    K0KWC

About US
We are just a group of amateur radio enthusiast who love the hobby. We are spread out throughout North America, but anyone is welcome to join no matter where you live. There are no dues or fees to pay.  We survive solely on donations. 100% of all donations are reinvested into the club. If you’re interested in joining our club just send an email to [email protected] and let us know along with your name, call sign, city and state and we will add you to our roster. We do have a repeater on the air in Lamar Missouri, 442.975, +5 offset and pl 91.5. It can be accessed via Echolink, K0KWC-L, and our All-Star node number 53594. We have a weekly net every Saturday at 7:30pm central time, weather permitting. The club callsign is KØKWC. Thank you for checking us out and we hope to hear you on the air soon.Â
Recent Events
New Security Measures Coming to the Kilowatt Amateur Radio Club Website – 2FA Required in 30 Days
Chris Hunt
Fun Amateur Radio Trivia Quiz
Amateur Radio License Exam – In Person Testing 5 April
How to Sign In to HamClubOnline for the First Time
Remote and In-Person License Testing
The Kilowatt / SEKARC Exam Team
The Kilowatt, K0KWC, and the Southeast Kansas, SEKARC, radio clubs are proud to announce the addition of Remote Exam Testing.
The two clubs have merged to form a single more efficient VE Team.
We administer Remote Exams every Wednesday at 4pm Central times. You can find our schedule here... Kilowatt Testing Schedule
We also administer in-person exams upon request. Contact any club officer to schedule an in-person exam. Registered Kilowatt club members receive a special discount for in-person exams of only $5.
Our experienced and friendly Volunteer Examiners are some of the best in the business with a combined total of over 3,000 sessions given. Most of our VEs are in the top 5% of their state with many who are #1 in their respective states. Â
To ensure you have the best possible remote experience, read the following page carefully! (click Read More)

Antenna Launchers
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Probably the simplest and most popular band chart is on QRZ. Clicking on this link will bring you to a QRZ webpage that shows all the bands and their current status. Just look to the right for the black box with the sun in it. Solar Flux (SF) and other significant geomagnetic events are listed. You can view the HF conditions, or click on the boz and go to the next link.
HF Propagation and Solar-Terrestrial Data Website (hamqsl.com)
Here you will find more information than you know what to do with. LOF/MOF/MUF ect. Clicking on the HF PROP button at the top will even give you a real time Global Ionosphere map for F2 conditions.Â
QSO/SWL real time maps and lists (dxmaps.com)
Now this is a nice site. Choose the band you are interested in and get a quick historical of recent transmissions divided by grid square. Check it out. You may even see yourself transmitting here. The callsign of the operator is displayed at the destination points. Very nice and lots of fun.
Real Time Lightning Map :: LightningMaps.org
Ok, so this one isn’t really a propagation map or forecast at all. But it will show you live time lightning anywhere in the USA. You can see lightning as it happens and if you zoom in close enough, you will even see a circle emanating outward from the strike. That circle is the thunder clap as it moves along and fades away. Neat stuff and fun to watch. While this is not a propagation map, it can certainly show you where propagation is probably not happening as local Hams have most likely shut down and disconnected. Or maybe the lightning is near you and YOU should be shutting down.
These are but just a few useful websites for Hams. Got a favorite? Let us know and we’ll list it here. 73 and happy DXing.
3rd Annual Kilowatt Club "Ham of the Year" for 2024 - Steve Sweet, KF0MDE

3rd Annual Kilowatt Club “Ham of the Year” for 2024
Steve Sweet, KF0MDE
On behalf of the Kilowatt Amateur Radio Club (K0KWC), it is with great honor and admiration that we present you with the Ham of the Year Award for 2024. This recognition reflects your exceptional contributions to amateur radio and your dedication to the growth, education, and advancement of our community.
Your journey in amateur radio began in the early 1980s, sparked by an inspiring electronics teacher in Carthage, Missouri. Though it took some years, your commitment to the hobby shone through when you earned your Technician license in 2023 and quickly advanced to Extra class in 2024. These accomplishments highlight your determination and passion for amateur radio.
You have demonstrated outstanding technical skills and creativity by hand-building a Rybakov antenna and dedicating yourself to off-grid emergency communications through UHF and VHF. Your radio room setup serves as a testament to your ability to innovate and inspire others to do the same.
As a member of not just the Kilowatt Amateur Radio Club but also the SEK and Nixa clubs, you are a shining example of community spirit and collaboration. Your consistent participation in Skywarn nets showcases your reliability and dedication to public safety.
Your active involvement in this year’s Field Day and your exciting experimentation with Parks on the Air (POTA) further highlight your enthusiasm for exploring new aspects of amateur radio.
For these reasons and more, the Kilowatt Amateur Radio Club is proud to recognize your invaluable contributions by naming you the Ham of the Year for 2024. Your dedication and accomplishments exemplify the very best of amateur radio, and we are grateful for your ongoing involvement in our club and the broader ham community.
Congratulations, Steve, on this well-deserved honor.
Tim Ryder
Kilowatt Amateur Radio Club (K0KWC)

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