Online Exam Requirements

(In-Person exams available upon request. Contact any club officer to make arrangments.)

Curious what an actual online  exam looks like?  Watch this short video of Meg passing her Extra test during a live session. Presented here with her permission and for informational purposes only.

Meg takes an exam online.


1.) Who is eligible?

The Kilowatt and the N1UVO VE teams will gladly administer a remote examination to anyone that meets our eligibility requirements:

 --  You must be a legally established resident of the United States;
 --  You must be a United States Citizen or Permanent Resident;
 -- You must have a valid, verifiable mailing address;

-- Candidates under the age of 18 are eligible for reduced testing fees. Let us know in advance;

-- Candidates under the age of 13 need parental permission.  Ask for the form in advance;

(Candidates for testing are under no obligation to join the club.)

2.) Our Remote and In-Person Exam Schedule for 2025

We offer Online Exams throughout the week at various times in the afternoon, except for holidays.  You can always check our current schedule here...  (Be sure to select your correct team.)

Kilowatt Exam Schedule 

N1UVO Exam Schedule

NOTE: : Payment must be received prior to the test session on all remote exams. Full refunds, minus any transfer fees, will be granted if you cancel at least 48 hours in advance, or if there are technical difficulties preventing the exam, or if the exam team deems it necessary. NO REFUNDS FOR NO SHOWS!

3.) Technical Requirements for a Fully Remote Examination

To be eligible for a remote examination, applicants must meet the following technical and setup requirements:

-- You will need a reliable internet connection, suitable to adequately run two video feeds and one audio feed. You are not permitted to wear a headset while testing. You MUST be capable of operating without the assistance of earbuds or a headset.

-- You will need one desktop or laptop computer with the Brave, Chromium, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari web browser installed.

-- You will need a web camera that allows us to view the Examinee's head, face, and shoulders clearly, to be seen at all times during the examination. This same computer must have a microphone that allows the VE team to hear all sounds within the testing environment.

-- You will need another camera such as a smart phone or tablet, to serve as your second video source. This secondary camera must be positioned in such a way to allow the VE team to see the examinee's hands.  While this is now optional, we prefer the two-camera system. If this is not an option for you, we will work with you using an alternate method.

-- You will need a current installation of Zoom. You do not need to have an account with Zoom for the exam. We do not use any other video conferencing applications.

-- We strongly suggest thoroughly testing Zoom with both devices at the same time well in advance of the test so that you have time to resolve any issues that come up. This is also a great way to double check the setup of your second camera!

-- You will need a quiet room to complete the exam, free from distractions or interruptions. If you are testing in an open environment such as a living room or loft, those are acceptable as long as other people are not present during your examination. The Examinee MUST be the only person in the room during the exam. No one is permitted to enter the room while the examination is in progress.

4.) Exam Environment Requirements

To ensure we maintain the highest standard of honesty and integrity possible, we require all examinees to show our Volunteer Examiner team the inside of their room on exam day. This is done after being briefed and upon arrival into your exam room.  We will ask you to show the following as part of setting up the environment on exam day:

 -- You will be asked to SLOWLY pan your second camera along all of the walls in your room, thus giving the Volunteer Examiner team a complete 360° view.

-- You will be asked to show the entire top of your desk or table where the primary device is located.              

The objective is to make sure you do not have anything on your walls that would help you with your exam. 

5.) Acceptable Proof of Positive Identity

The Kilowatt and the N1UVO VE teams will administer examinations to anyone with a mailing address that can be validated with the United States Postal Service. The applicant must also present a valid government issued photo identification from any U.S. state or federal authority. We accept any of the following types of valid, government issued photo identification for applicants over the age of 18:

-- Driver Licenses or other State Photo Identification Cards issued by Department of Motor Vehicles (or equivalent) in any U.S. state or territory
-- U.S. passport
-- U.S. Department of Defense IDs, including dependent IDs

Amateur radio applicants under the age of 18 are not required to show photo identification. Should an applicant under the age of 18 have valid, government issued photo identification, it must fall into one of the categories as shown above for examinees over the age of 18. However, they must present at least TWO of the following if a child doesn't have photo ID to test with us:

-- Certificate of U.S. Citizenship, Naturalization, or Birth Abroad
-- An original or certified copy of a U.S. birth certificate issued by Vital Statistics
-- Employee ID
-- Health Insurance Card
-- Library Card with the applicant's name printed
-- School ID
-- A parent or legal guardian with a photo ID to verbally verify the identity of the child.

For minors under 13, the parent or legal guardian responsible for completing the Minor Consent Form must be present at the start of the session to attest to the positive identity of the child and present their own photo ID.  The Minor Consent form can be found during online registration. Email completed and signed form to [email protected] prior to the test session.

6.) Examination Fee

Exam fees must be paid in advance of the exam. Youth under 18 will pay $5. We accept PayPal.  For PayPal send payment to Kilowatt PayPal  or to N1UVO PayPal.  (Be sure to select the correct team you are testing with.) You will receive e-mail confirmation of payment. Kilowatt also accept all major credit cards through SQUAREUP, (Kilowatt Only), a 3rd party credit card processing company. Kilowatt also accepts ZELLE bank to bank. (My email is [email protected] and the name is Chris Hunt) Any refunds, if necessary, will be granted in the same fashion the payment was received.

(ARRL ONLY) For minors 17 and under, the ARRL offers a reduced testing rate of $5. Please advise us of your age in advance of the exam.  The ARRL also offers to reimburse you for your $35 initial FCC fee by filling out this form and following its instructions. Again, please let us know in advance.  Ask us for the form or download hereARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program.

Fees collected go straight to ARRL or W5YI, depending on which VEC is being used at the time of the exam. Our Volunteer Examiners are just that, volunteers. Neither the club, nor the VEs, will receive any compensation. Their reward is your success!

7.) Important Applicant Correspondence with the Kilowatt, or N1UVO Teams

To ensure you receive all communication from us, please whitelist the following email address PRIOR to completing any application:

[email protected] (Kilowatt) 


[email protected] (N1UVO)

 Be sure to check your SPAM folder if you do not receive a quick reply.

8.) FCC requirements for your license to be granted.

A Federal Registration Number, or FRN from the FCC is required on exam day. We cannot accept a Social Security Number for new or existing licenses.

To obtain an FRN you need to:     (This can also be accomplished when you register online through through either...

Find a Kilowatt Exam Session


Find an N1UVO Exam Session

  • Create a CORES account with the FCC (if you have not already done so): Click here
  • Sign into your CORES account: Click here
  • Select "Register New FRN" and follow the instructions.

Once you have your FRN, make sure you write it down as it's required on exam day and your amateur radio license application. You will also be required to provide a valid email address. The FCC no longer issues paper copies of licenses and will deny processing any application without a valid email address. Also, your email address will be required for the FCC to send you a link to pay the $35 licensing fee. 

9.) Our Registration Process

To ensure we keep this simple, here is the entire process in a nut shell from start to finish . (Please note: Kilowatt and N1UVO are independent testing teams sharing a common web page.)

-- Step 1.) Log into Kilowatt Schedule  (Kilowattor  N1UVO schedule (N1UVO) and select your preferred date and time.

-- Step 2.) Click on the link and follow the instructions for registration.

-- Step 3.) Prior to your exam you will receive an email with a link to join us on Zoom. No refunds for No Shows. However, if you are not able to make it and notify us within 24 hours, we will refund your payment.

-- Step 4.) Upon connecting, we will guide you through bringing in your second device. It will not be connected right away.

-- Step 5.) After you have connected both devices, we will give you some information prior to going into your exam room. Please pay attention to the information being presented at that time.

-- Step 6.) Upon being presented with the necessary information pertinent to your examination, you will begin your exam.

-- Step 7.) After finishing your exam, it will be graded. After you pass, your results will be certified and your CSCE, (Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination),  will be emailed to you in a PDF before you leave the session. If you are upgrading then your priviledges begin as soon as you receive your CSCE.

-- Step 8.) After you have collected your CSCE, we may be available to answer any questions you have regarding amateur radio or potential study for the next class of license, if desired. We will also give you pointers on how to reach us after you depart the exam session.

Good luck and Happy DX'ing. 73

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