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Fun Amateur Radio Trivia Quiz

Test your amateur radio knowledge with this entertaining quiz! See how many you can get right and challenge your fellow hams.

1. What does “CQ” mean when calling on the air?

  • A) Call Quickly
  • B) Calling Any Station
  • C) Seek You
  • D) Come Quick

2. Who is considered the “Father of Radio”?

  • A) Nikola Tesla
  • B) Guglielmo Marconi
  • C) Samuel Morse
  • D) Heinrich Hertz

3. What does QSL stand for in ham radio slang?

  • A) Question Signal Level
  • B) Confirm Receipt of Transmission
  • C) Quiet Signal Location
  • D) Quality Signal Level

4. On what date each year do hams celebrate World Amateur Radio Day?

  • A) April 18
  • B) June 14
  • C) July 4
  • D) October 5

5. What does SWR stand for?

  • A) Standing Wave Ratio
  • B) Short Wave Quality
  • C) Signal Wave Ratio
  • D) Standard Wave Measurement

5. The term “Elmer” refers to:

  • A) A new ham operator
  • B) An experienced mentor in ham radio
  • C) A radio equipment brand
  • D) A type of antenna

6. What is the maximum legal power output for most amateur stations in the United States?

  • A) 500 watts
  • B) 1500 watts
  • C) 2500 watts
  • D) 5000 watts

7. Which amateur radio band is known as the “Magic Band”?

  • A) 6 meters
  • B) 2 meters
  • C) 10 meters
  • D) 80 meters

8. The phonetic alphabet term for the letter “Q” is:

  • A) Quebec
  • B) Queen
  • C) Quick
  • D) Quantum

9. During emergencies, amateur radio operators often assist through organizations like:

  • A) FCC
  • B) ARRL
  • C) FEMA
  • D) ARES

10. What does “73” mean in amateur radio lingo?

  • A) End of Transmission
  • B) Greetings
  • C) Best Regards
  • D) Emergency


  1. C – Seek You
  2. B – Calling Any Station
  3. B – Confirm Receipt of Transmission
  4. A – April 18
  5. A – An experienced mentor in ham radio
  6. B – 1500 watts PEP
  7. A – Quebec
  8. B – An experienced mentor in ham radio
  9. A – 6 meters
  10. A – Quebec
  11. C – 1500 watts
  12. C – Confirm Receipt of Transmission

How did you do? Share your score and challenge your fellow club members!

73 and good luck!


Chris Hunt
Author: Chris Hunt

VE Team Lead - Facebook Manager - Webmaster - Club Vice-President

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