Events, Exams

Amateur Radio License Exam – In Person Testing 5 April

April 5, 2025  –  11:30am CDT

208 12th St W, Lamar, MO 64759
Highland Brew Coffee Shop

This is an In-Person Test. The exam may be administered online or on paper. All results are uploaded the same day for faster results.


Bring the following to the exam session.  A legal photo ID and a Federal Registration Number (FRN).

To obtain an FRN you need to:

  • Create a CORES account with the FCC (if you have not already done so): Click here
  • Sign into your CORES account: Click here
  • Select “Register New FRN” and follow the instructions.

If upgrading your license class or using a CSCE for credit, bring the original and a copy of those documents for our records. A non-programmable calculator if desired, and a $15 test fee, which must be paid in advance.

Register on-line at Exam Registration  or e-mail [email protected], or call (417) 658-2460 and leave a message for call back.

When filling out the registration on-line, please fill it in completely. Phone number and middle initials are important, as is your e-mail address. If you are upgrading your license, you must register with the name as it appears on your current license.

PLEASE NOTE: Effective 4-19-22 The FCC now charges an application fee of $35 for new license grants, and vanity callsigns, (excludes license upgrades and address changes). However, you do not pay us at the session. The FCC will email you a link where you can remit payment. You will have ten (10) Calendar days to do so.

You can pay in advance using either of these two links below or pay cash at the site.  Pre-payments are refundable if you cancel in advance.  No refunds for no shows.

Credit Card Payment – $15                            PayPal Payment – $15  

Chris Hunt
Author: Chris Hunt

VE Team Lead - Facebook Manager - Webmaster - Club Vice-President

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