On April 15th, 2023, the Kings Point Amateur Radio Club in Sun City, Florida, under the direction of Bob Fauci, N1UVO, administered their first ever paperless exam using Exam Tools software. The session was a complete success resulting in their one candidate, Mary, passing her Technician. Mary received her callsign on 18 April 2023, KQ4HWU.

Mary displays her success!
Kings Point is the first VE team near the Tampa area to use the ARRL’s Exam Tools software. Bob worked months getting his team qualified and ready for the paperless exam and credits the Kilowatt Amateur Radio Club‘s experience in digital testing to help him. Kilowatt worked closely with Bob, prior, during, and even after the exam to ensure the success of his team. Mary and her husband are already planning to upgrade at the next test session.

Bob explains the exam to Mary.

Fellow VEs observe the process.
The Kilowatt Club congratulates the Kings Point Club on their success with digital testing and was honored to be a part of this historic occasion. We wish them more success in the future! 73
Congratulations Kings Point Club ,Bob and Mary, this is really exciting.
Agreed. Very exciting for them. Next month their VEs will get more experience as Bob has two candidates already registered. They are off and running and I couldn’t be happier for them.
Mary has since went on to earn her General ticket, and her husband upgraded recently to Extra.