Members & Bylaws


We, the undersigned, wishing to secure for ourselves the pleasure and benefits of an association of persons commonly interested in Amateur Radio, constitute ourselves the Kilowatt Amateur Radio Club of Lamar, Missouri and enact this constitution as our governing law. It shall be our purpose to further the exchange of information and cooperation between members, to promote radio knowledge, fraternalism, and individual operating efficiency, and to so conduct club programs and activities as to advance the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio and the Lamar community.


All persons interested in amateur radio communications shall be eligible for membership. Membership shall be available by asking and upon such terms as the club shall provide in accordance with its By-Laws.

Membership may not be denied because of race, Creed, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital status, or any other reason that would be biased or prejudicial.



The officers of this club shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.


The officers of this club shall be elected for a term of two years by anonymous ballot using HamClubOnline software in December of each year.  The Vice-President and Treasurer shall be elected on even number years, and the President and Secretary shall be elected on odd number years.  Voting shall last for 24 hours after the annual Christmas Party or as the board directs.  All members in good standing at the time of the election are eligible to run and/or vote.  

Term limits

Any individual may hold the same office for as long as they continue to be elected every two years. An individual may not hold more than one office during the same term.


Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by special elections at the first regularly scheduled meeting following the withdrawal or resignation.


An individual must be a member in good standing for at least one year and hold a valid amateur radio license.


Any officer may resign his/her position in writing at which time all records and assets of the club will be turned over to the President or Vice-President.

Removal of Officers

Officers may be removed from office for cause, upon written petition of six or more members presented to the President or Vice-President. After investigation the petition will be presented to the membership at the next regular meeting of the club and voted on by the membership.

Duties of officers


The President shall preside at all meetings and conduct them according to Robert’s Rules of Order. He/she shall enforce observance of this Constitution and bylaws; decide all questions of order; sign all official documents adopted by the club and perform all other duties pertaining to the office of President.


The Vice-President shall assume all the duties of the President in his/her absence. in addition, he/she shall organize club activities, plan and recommend contest for operating benefits, and advance club interest and activities as approved by the club.  The Vice-President shall monitor the results of any scheduled or special election absentee ballots by working closely with the Secretary.  The Vice-President is responsible for maintaining order during any club meeting.


The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings, keep a roll of members, submit membership applications, carry on all correspondence, read communications at each meeting, and mail meeting notices to each member as needed.  The Secretary shall count and verify any absentee ballots submitted by official members in all special or scheduled elections and submit those results to the board of officers.  At the expiration of his/her term they shall turn over all items belonging to the club to their successor.


The Treasurer shall receive any money paid to the club; keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended; pay bills with proper authorization by the club or its officers constituting a business committee. Each quarter they shall submit an itemized statement of disbursements and receipts. At the end of their term, they should turn over everything in their possession belonging to the club to the new successor.

Duties of officers

The By-Laws shall provide for regular and special meetings. At meetings, a minimum of four members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern proceedings.


The club, by majority vote of those present at any regular meeting and absentee ballots, may levy upon the general membership such dues or assessments as shall be deemed necessary for the business of the organization. Non-payment of such dues or assessments shall be cause for removal from the club roster at the discretion of the membership.

Membership Assistance

The club may provide technical advice to members concerning equipment design and operation to assist in frequency observance, clean signals, uniform practice, and absence of spurious radiations from club member stations. The club shall also maintain a program to foster and guide public relations.  All actions of the club shall be within FCC guidelines and best practices of the amateur radio hobby.

Club call sign

The President shall assign trusteeship of the club call sign to whomever he/she selects so long as it is in the best interest of the club.                                                                   The Trustee shall:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Be a member of the club in good standing and meet all FCC requirements as a club trustee.                                                                                                                                             Not have had his/her radio amateur license revoked or sanctioned at any time.

Dissolution of the club

Termination of operations

In the event that the board of directors vote that the club should be dissolved the motion for dissolution must receive more than two-thirds vote of the full membership to pass.

Disposition of assets

The board of directors shall handle the disbursements of all assets of the club.                        No member or group of members shall receive benefit from the assets.                                     All equipment will be sold, and net proceeds donated to a non-profit organization.               All remaining cash will be donated to a non-profit organization.


This constitution and bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the total membership present, including absentee ballots, at any special election designated for this purpose with a 30 day notice to all current members. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next meeting no sooner than 30 days provided all members have been notified the intent to amend the Constitution and/or bylaws at said meeting.


  1. Secretary

It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep the Constitution and by-laws of the club and have the same with them at every meeting. They shall note all amendments, changes and additions on the Constitution and shall permit it to be consulted by members upon request. The Secretary should record and keep the minutes of each meeting for historical purposes.

  1. Membership

Membership is open to all. Licensed radio amateurs and those not licensed but interested in obtaining their license, or their direct family members, are welcome. Full membership includes all club privileges as well as rights to hold a club office and vote for club officers.

Applications for membership shall be submitted at regular meetings or via the online form posted at, the clubs official web site.  Applications may also be submitted via the club’s official e-mail, [email protected].

  1. Meetings

Regular meeting shall be held on the first Saturday of each calendar month. Special meetings may be called by the President upon a written request of any four club members. Notices shall be sent to members concerning special meetings and the business to be transacted. Only such business as designated shall be transacted. Notices shall be sent so that they arrived not less than 24 hours before the meeting.

  1. Dues

No annual dues are required at this time. Our intent is to keep this simple, and fun. On occasion there may be some club expenses that require voluntary contributions for support.  Fund raisers and voluntary contributions are allowed and appreciated.  All funds/donations shall be spent only on club projects and needs as determined by its membership.

  1. Elections

Elections, nominations, and voting should be given careful consideration. Officer elections will be held annually at the regular December meeting. Officers will assume their elected office at that time. Voting will be done using paper ballots, absentee ballots, or a simple show of hands if voter turnout is small. Immediately after voting the ballots will be counted openly in front of the membership. Any candidate may request a recount of the ballots. In the case of a tie vote the President may entertain a motion for the Secretary to cast a single ballot.

Absentee ballots may be requested by any member in good standing with the club and submitted via the club’s e-mail, [email protected], or the US mail in time to be received by the club prior to the election.

  1. Resolution Committees

This committee shall consist of three members appointed by the club President. The committee shall direct investigation, invite proper inquiries, established technical facts, or any other legal method necessary to determine a satisfactory resolution to the problem at hand.  This may include member complaints or investigations into club actions or any other dispute determined to need a resolution.  The Resolution Committee’s findings shall be considered final.

Kilowatt Amateur Radio Club



President and Founder of Kilowatt ARC

My name is Tim Ryder and my callsign is N5STR.I'm a relatively new ham.  I am the emergency coordinator for the Barton County MO ARES.  I love this hobby and all the great things it has to offer.  My radios include an Icom 7300, an Icom 9700, a Yaesu 400xdr, and a TYT 9000d for 220.  I have a Gap Titan DX, an ocf Windom dipole, a 40 meter inverted-v, a 2 element 6 meter beam, a 5 element 220 yagi , and a 10 element 2meter beam for sideband.  On my tower I have a tram 1481 at the top and below that a tram 1480.  I have a PalStar AT2KD tuner and a Henry 2KD-5 legal limit amp.  I'm active on all HF modes and most HF bands.  I enjoy talking on repeaters to the local hams and using DMR and WIRES-X.  73


Kilowatt Amateur Radio Club Vice-President

My name is Chris Hunt and my callsign is N0YH.  I was born in Joplin, Missouri, am married with two kids and 4 grandkids.  My wife and I have been married for 47 years and she is also a Ham with a General ticket.  I have retired from the US Navy after 20 years of service with an Honorable Discharge.  I have also retired from being an aircraft mechanic and no longer work.  I came into the hobby late in life after my retirement at the insistence of my XYL and I have loved every minute of it.  I hold an Extra ticket and am an accredited VE for ARRL, GLARRG, and W5YI.  I am the Kilowatt club VE Team lead.



Kilowatt Amateur Radio Club Secretary

Farming, fishing, and playing radio is my thing. I'm learning all the digital modes and definitely like APRS. It is definitely its own kind of cool. I'm a fan of simplex, especially SSB simplex. But hey, find me on APRS.FI if I'm close definitely shoot for a QSO on 146.520 or send me a message in KFØHHG-4. If we need to confirm a QSO email me and we will make it happen. Ham harder, ham it forward, let's make Simplex great again. 73 

(Nic was also elected Ham of the Year for 2023.)


Kilowatt Amateur Radio Club Treasurer
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