President and Founder of Kilowatt ARCMy name is Tim Ryder and my callsign is N5STR.I'm a relatively new ham. I am the emergency coordinator for the Barton County MO ARES. I love this hobby and all the great things it has to offer. My radios include an Icom 7300, an Icom 9700, a Yaesu 400xdr, and a TYT 9000d for 220. I have a Gap Titan DX, an ocf Windom dipole, a 40 meter inverted-v, a 2 element 6 meter beam, a 5 element 220 yagi , and a 10 element 2meter beam for sideband. On my tower I have a tram 1481 at the top and below that a tram 1480. I have a PalStar AT2KD tuner and a Henry 2KD-5 legal limit amp. I'm active on all HF modes and most HF bands. I enjoy talking on repeaters to the local hams and using DMR and WIRES-X. 73

Kilowatt Amateur Radio Club Vice-PresidentMy name is Chris Hunt and my callsign is N0YH. I was born in Joplin, Missouri, am married with two kids and 4 grandkids. My wife and I have been married for 47 years and she is also a Ham with a General ticket. I have retired from the US Navy after 20 years of service with an Honorable Discharge. I have also retired from being an aircraft mechanic and no longer work. I came into the hobby late in life after my retirement at the insistence of my XYL and I have loved every minute of it. I hold an Extra ticket and am an accredited VE for ARRL, GLARRG, and W5YI. I am the Kilowatt club VE Team lead.

Kilowatt Amateur Radio Club SecretaryFarming, fishing, and playing radio is my thing. I'm learning all the digital modes and definitely like APRS. It is definitely its own kind of cool. I'm a fan of simplex, especially SSB simplex. But hey, find me on APRS.FI if I'm close definitely shoot for a QSO on 146.520 or send me a message in aprs.fi KFØHHG-4. If we need to confirm a QSO email me and we will make it happen. Ham harder, ham it forward, let's make Simplex great again. 73
(Nic was also elected Ham of the Year for 2023.)